Thank you for visiting this website containing my creative work. I hope you enjoy it …
The site contains self-penned poetry, songs, and music, as well as favourite works by others. There are also some background notes on music - guitar tunings, roman notation, etc.
I've never been prolific, but what is here is at least more or less complete, and has avoided the waste paper basket, which I find are the two biggest hazards to creativity!
Latest addition(s) / amendment(s): I'm delighted to have been granted permission to republish here poems by others still in copyright, by The Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford for Giles Dixey's wonderfully atmospheric poem Cape Horn, by David Higham Associates, representing The MacNeice Estate, for Louis MacNeice's tangled imagery in Cradle Song For Miriam, and through Peters Fraser & Dunlop and William Sitwell for three poems by his great aunt Edith Sitwell, Bells of Gray Crystal, Rain, and, most importantly, her powerful work Still Falls The Rain.
Please note the copyright restrictions applying to all my own, Charles Macfarlane's, work on this site, which say that:
<a href="">Charles Macfarlane</a>
The above should only be viewed as a convenient, plain English summary of the Creative Commons Licence
- for a fuller summary and full legal details, please follow this link:
Creative Commons Licence (Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales)
If you have any queries, suggestions, or complaints arising from this site then please contact the Site Owner, Charles Macfarlane, making the obvious substitution of @ for (at):