UK Google Map With A Draggable Marker

Created Using Google Maps API 

Google Maps V3 allow the developer less control than did V2, and there were also problems printing maps, though mostly these have now been resolved, albeit with the notable exception of legacy IE  in 8 or 9 Standards Mode, map tiles at the top and bottom edges of the map viewport 'leak' outside the viewport, even onto preceding and succeeding pages, obscuring other printout there, while in IE7 Standards Mode, markers will be surrounded by black boxes, and vector lines may be missing either entirely or in segments.

It is also possible, but not recommended, to load Google Maps within OpenLayers.

Significant updates to this document
Date Description
12/01/2017 So many changes at Google over the years that decided rather belatedly that an update record is required.  Obtained new Google API key, as legacy authentication now not recognised.  Improved control of and slightly simplified asynchronous code loading.
26/02/2022 Fix to make dragging marker update the marker log on the fly.  Minor clean up of page coding.